Choose Wisely Before Installing a New Furnace
Over time, your old and unreliable HVAC system will no longer be able to keep your house as comfortable as you need it to be. Replacement is the best option, especially if you have a unit that is no longer under warranty. Of course, you need to first research, and consider what to look for in a new or replacement unit or how you can maximize your furnace installation budget. This way, you can find the solution that best suits your home. Below are the factors that can affect your furnace’s cost.
Furnace’s Warranty
You will want to pick a unit with a warranty. It is always preferable to choose a product with a five- to ten-year warranty. You won’t need to worry about replacing your furnace any time soon if you do it this way. However, the truth is that a new one will be required within this time frame, so you should pick a unit that can last more than five years.
Energy Efficiency (Efficiency Rating)
You will want to pick a unit with an efficiency rating of at least ninety-eight or ninety-nine. An efficiency rating is the measurement of a heating appliance’s overall energy efficiency. Efficiency ratings are determined by testing at published test sites. To give you an idea, a high-efficiency rating will reduce your utility bills.
You will also want to pick a unit that fits within your budget. Of course, you can always compromise on these factors and pick a unit that is affordable but doesn’t have the highest efficiency rating. Just know that compromises in efficiency ratings can lead to higher monthly utility bills.
Fuel Source
Choosing a new furnace typically starts with deciding on the fuel source. Whether they use natural gas, electricity, or oil, the majority of homeowners tend to stick with one type. On average, electric furnaces cost a little less than natural gas furnaces, although, over time, gas may be less expensive due to operating costs. If you transfer from one fuel source to another, though, you should be prepared to pay more.
For high-quality furnace installation, Mike Bergen Heating and Cooling is the one you can trust. We provide furnace installation services in Springfield, IL. Give us a call at (217) 210-0042 today!