Why Won’t My AC Turn On?
Nothing is worse than trying to switch on the air conditioner and having it not work. Here are some steps to take before contacting an HVAC repair service if you want to try self-diagnosing the problems first.
Check the Thermostat Setting
Ensure it is set to “cool,” This is a straightforward user error that might instantly fix the issue. Set the thermostat 5 degrees below the current ambient temperature as a precaution and check whether the AC comes on.
Reset the Circuit Breaker
The circuit breaker might have tripped during a power surge. When checking the electrical panel, flip any tripped breakers back to “on” after flipping them to the “off” position to reset them. Don’t keep resetting the breaker if this resolves the issue; it trips again soon after. There could be issues with your AC’s short circuit, overheating, or electricity consumption. To have a repairman examine your system, make contact with them.
Change the Air Filter
An air filter’s job is to collect airborne debris and prevent it from touching the HVAC system. If you haven’t changed the filter in a while, it can be clogged so severely that it’s restricting airflow and causing the evaporator coil to freeze up or the blower motor to overheat and shut off Check the filter and replace it if it appears to be unclean. Afterward, remember to inspect it once a month and replace it at least every three months.
Check the Indoor and Outdoor Power Switches
The emergency shut-off switch for most exterior air conditioners is in a metal box attached to the side of the home. Recently completed repairs might have accidentally left the switch off. If your AC won’t turn on, check this switch to determine if that’s the issue.
Reset the Air Conditioner
The exterior unit of your air conditioner can feature a reset switch. If it helps, press this button to find out. Try shutting off the air conditioning at the thermostat if you can’t find a reset button. After waiting for five minutes, turn it back on.
Need HVAC repair services in Springfield, IL? Reach out Mike Bergen Heating and Cooling for the job. Turn to the right HVAC expert by calling (217) 210-0042 today!